Thursday, December 18, 2008

Math is a Wonderful Thing

Even though my Math exam was on Tuesday, and my brain began its usual during-break atrophy the minute after I finished that last exam, while helping with the move today, I thought of a good formula (No, this doesn't happen a lot.)

Will's African Experience Formula:

(A1 + D) + N x .5r + H x .4S/H = A2

Which translates to:

(American situation + smell of dung) + Number of People in Situation x .5 Attempted/Succeeded ripoffs + Number of hours x .4 Shouting Arguments/hour = African situation

Now use that, and you tell me just how our move went today. If you're good, Santa will send you pictures of the new place. At some point.


"An's sort of hard to describe but really it's a coming together- it's a surprise party! For people who are...who have addictions. And you get in their face and you scream at them and make them feel really badly about themselves. And then they stop."

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