Sunday, December 14, 2008

And to All a Good Night

Study for an English exam, or write a blog entry. I think we all know where this is going.

We've had a lot of mosquitoes in the house recently. There was a pretty sunset today. I almost went to the beach last Tuesday. Kids played soccer during the Christmas program tonight. All our fans have been running nonstop these past few days.

What do these seemingly random situations have in common? None of them should be happening in December. Living in New England forces you to really appreciate the ebb and flows of the seasons. From harsh, snowy winters to beautiful, orange and red falls, I've developed a seasonal clock in me which is now horribly off-time. Because, according to this particular time piece, it's August.

Somehow it's really hard to me to get in the Christmas spirit when I'm walking around in short and a t-shirt all the time. Christmas, to me, is defined by cold weather, decorated stores, and a chance of snow. Call me a child of the always commercializing America, but when I turn on the radio and don't hear Christmas songs, it's not December. When I walk to school and don't see a single Christmas light, it's not December. When the thermometer reads 80 degrees and I'm sweating in gym shorts, it's not December!

Of course, there are a myriad of different reasons I seem to lack the "Christmas spirit" recently. Maybe it's because we're moving to the new house in 4 days and we don't have any decorations up yet. Maybe it's because everyone at school seems pretty darn cheery, and I do my best to act the opposite of DAers. Maybe it's because everyone around me spited and butchered Halloween, and I don't have any warm feelings when they want to celebrate their favorite holiday. And then, it could be because I'm in West Africa, 5,000 miles away of my home or my friends and I despise my school and the people who frequent it. My money's on "all of the above."


"I'm dreamin' of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok... it deleted my comment for some reason.

Dude that blows major chunks of Streisand! Wilhelm, we're gunna spring you free of that prison eventually man. You're coming back this summer and you have no say in the matter.

Who the fuck else,
- Bond

O yea, tell those pricks at your school that Halloween is a far superior holiday to that theist holiday of Xmas!