Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Break 2010

So, school has started up again after a two week break and my brain has officially begun its rebuilding proccess. However, that isn't to say that I didn't learn anything over break.

I learned how to play Mexican train. I learned that the answer to life, the universe, and everything is 42, and that the secret to flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing. I learned that my Halo skills have fallen considerably since the last Halo party. I learned that MagicTime, a Florida company who made a shipment to Dakar with for real peanut butter and (excellent) knockoff Lucky Charms, is the best company of all time.

I learned that sunscreen actually works, you just have to put it on first. Then I retested this lesson and proved it wrong. I learned that while the 5th Harry Potter book is the worst, the 5th Harry Potter movie rocks the casbah. From Dumbledore, I learned that a fiery head clap is a great way to make an exit. I learned that it's impossible to be good friends with someone of the opposite sex without everyone and their mother thinking you have ulterior motives. I learned that the defaults on Microsoft Word 2007 are awful. (I already knew this, but was reminded over break. If there's an option to automatically save backup copies of files, why isn't it automatically turned on? And has anyone, ever, for any reason intended to create a document with 11 point Calibri font with 10 point spacing after lines?!)

Most importantly I learned this: the only way to fully appreciate a lazy, relaxing vacation is having a school year that is crazy busy and maybe even, dare I say it, occasionally stressful. Junior year has been significantly more packed than my last two years of high school combined, and it only gets worse from here on out. Today went by minute by minute, but looking at my planner, I know that this quarter will be over the day after tomorrow. Add up a musical, lots of SAT prep, Junior-Senior Banquet, planning and asking someone to Junior-Senior banquet, finals, the Halo: Reach beta, a youth group retreat, goodbyes to Seniors, and of course the accelerated, end of the year, finish-the-textbook pace that all classes will now operate on, then you've got what I'd call a booked schedule.

Spring break was great. It was lazy, sure, and there were days where I did nothing but sit on my butt, play video games, and watch movies. But this time around, moreso than previous vacations, I felt like I'd earned it. Okay, maybe not the Jack Black movie, Office, and Harry Potter marathons. At least of of them though.


"I think I pulled a muscle in my upper neck!!"

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