Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Memory Lane

So I have this DS case. Originally a menacing silver metal mini-suitcase, since then lightened up with Guitar Hero and Mario sticker, this case does more than your average DS case. Though it does contain the usual multicolored styli, various small pieces of technology I don’t trust myself to store anywhere else, and DS games (no, the DS doesn’t fit anymore,) this cases upper, concealed compartment is where the real treasure lies. For about 4 years now, I’ve kept every mostly-flat piece of memorabilia in the top flap of this case.

Every 8 months or so I get the urge to rummage through this wonderful mesh pocket, and since the entire case was bulging from the extra it recently gained (it’s not the only one,) I felt it was high time to go through it again. Maybe it’s the fact that I have homework to put off, or that we haven’t had power for 6 hours and I have nothing better to do, but this time I felt compelled to write some of the experience down. And what better place to document some of my most private and cherished thought, feelings, and memories than the internet.

Here’s an (incomplete) list of what I found, in no order:

1. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess trading cards
-I am the only person I know geeky enough to spend money on these.

2. Laser tag score cards
-These are from Bond’s birthday party 3 years ago. My name on one of them is “Fat Elvis.” Well-played, technology.

3. A taped-up, unmarked white envelope
-I was initially confused by this until I looked at it through the light and saw two words: “Hair Expressions.” Then it hit me. It was part of my mane. Yes, indeed, my Fabio-like locks of the most gorgeous hair this side of the Atlantic. I said then I would keep some, and keep it I shall.

4. a Pink Floyd sticker
-From Tim, years ago. If I’m not mistaken, it’s from their 1st American tour. Thanks man.

5. An Isabella’s Subs menu
-Just thinking about a steak and cheese makes my mouth water, and the rest of my body is currently watering enough as it is, so I’ll leave you all with that pleasant thought and try not to remember the heavenly deliciousness that is Isabella’s Subs.

6. A Meldiva’s menu
-a ghost of downtown Franklin’s past. RIP.

7. Quebec bus schedules
-For the 86, 12, and 60 buses, just in case you were wondering. I can’t say “good times,” per ce, but there were definitely some…quirky ones.

8. 2 songs, written (and illustrated) for me
-by David and Tim, presented at my awesome going-away party. I don’t know if I ever thanked you guys for that, but it was more than I could ever ask for. Thank you.

9. A business card for “Stump Busters”
On the card: “Is your stump a pain in the grass?
So who ya gonna call
‘I ain’t afraid of no stump’”
I you saw one of these on a gas station bulletin board in upstate New York, could you look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn’t take it??

10. A business card to Mohawk Ambulance Service
-I just have this mental image of an ambulance full of ‘hawk-totin’ doctors. Same deal as #9.

11. Ticket to Gamerfest
-This was an amazing night. Hourmazd, Will, spectacular idea. A 24-hour energy drink and video game-filled all-nighter at the high school gym. Only at QHS, ladies and gentlemen.

12. Countless tickets
-Mostly from movies, also to various Sea Dogs games, the random coach bus ride, even on to an AC/DC concert.

13. Notes
-From everyone from Grandma to Edie, Casey to Mrs. Stepleton

14. Instructions to a “Video Game”
-From Amanda’s party in Quebec. Good times.

15. Goodbye speech from Isabel
-Even with all the weird Canadian word equivalents (Joe Louis??) reading this again made me sad. Isabel, if you’re reading this, I miss you, sorry I’m terrible at keeping in touch.

And most recently added:
Menu from Big G’s
Napkin from Gifford’s
Super Mario Galaxy Trading Cards (see #1)
5 Guys menu
Multiple mini golf score cards
Program from a piano recital
Even if you didn’t know what I was talking about half the time, I hope you’ve enjoyed reminiscing much as I have.


“Is everything the same as when I left, or has something catastrophic happened?”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the list! Great idea, using the case as a "memory lane."