Friday, May 29, 2009

The Importance of BroHood

No. Not brotherhood. That's the bad guys in X-Men. I'm here to talk to you about broHood, which is a group of high-fiving, chest-bumping men. Proud to fit the stereotype, and generally inseparable. Wayne and Garth. Seth and Evan. Frodo and Sam. Will and Tim. Danny and Rusty. Jake and Elwood. Mario and Luigi, for heaven's sakes. While often under-appreciated, broHoods are the basis of our society. If the world were based on the relationships girls have with each other, trust me, we would be in a much worse place.

It's a simpler sort of thing. There's not any smoke and mirrors, and if we're tired, we say we're tired. If we're annoyed, we say we're annoyed. If there's a dispute, broHoods have the ability to look past it, move on, not carry grudges. There's no pressure to entertain a bro, because if you stop keeping them constantly occupied with something interesting to do or talk about, they'll stick around. Bros don't ditch to find more interesting bros. That's just not how it works. Belonging to a broHood is even better than belonging to the Isabella's Subs frequent buyer club, and I'm not just saying that.

The reason is say this is twofold. One is obvious, I'll be back home in less than 2 weeks (it's crazy, I know,) and will finally be reunited with my bro. Like, the bro. The purest form of broHood the world has ever seen. And I cannot wait. It's been a long year, and having someone I know I can trust with anything will probably be one of, if not my absolute favorite parts of the trip. It's something I knew I wouldn't have here, and it's something that takes a long time (and the right dude) to develop. But the 2nd reason is less... good. I recently learned my main dude over here, John, is graduating after his junior year, negating an entire year of broHood. This, coupled with previous knowledge that he would be in America for the 1st semester of nextyear has me less than ecstatic for the 2nd half of high school. He's a gamer, he's funny, and he's leaving. My other dude friends are awesome, but they're in the dorm, and that's just not the same. They know that. John was gone for one week with dingy fever, and that was weird enough.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm bummed. Without thinking of this summer, and just next school year, it looks more, well, bleak. I can count on John to not ditch, and even the dorm guys have their...pursuits. I just naively assumed that after this past year, I'd be mostly done with big sad goodbyes, which will never be the case. There will always be people coming and going, especially in a missionary school environment, and that's just something I'm going to have to get used to. I just really wish I didn't.


"You smell like a bodybuilder."

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