Monday, February 16, 2009

Your Getting Your Pet in My Softball Tournament!!

I usually try not to blog unless something a little interesting has happened to me (yet I frequently break the rule,) and now TWO THINGS DID.

Before I say anything else, though, just let me get this off my chest:


But before I get even more ahead of myself, I'm going to try to explain in words what this weekend was like. Dakar's main event from February 14-16 was W.A.I.S.T. That's the West African Invitational Softball Tournament, and just pronounced "waist." Now, if I had more time (you know how frightfully busy my schedule is,) and if the whole thing wasn't eclipsed by what I got after the tournament, AND if I had some pictures, then I could really portray this event better.

Just picture this: 20ish year old Americans living all over West Africa converging together in 3 days, in the only West African country that drinking is allowed. Now picture an entire softball team in uniforms of ties, button-up shirts, and blazers- and short-shorts. And extend that amount of crazy across 6 teams and about 15 hours of play time, and you can start to grasp the gist of W.A.I.S.T. It was loud, it was smelly, and it was the most fun I've had (socially) in a long, long time. Now, I can't even really describe DA's environment (though I've tried for 6 months,) but just know that however crazy such a tourney seems to you know, that after being at DA for half a year, it was ten times more jarring. And I mean that in such a good way.

Yet we haven't even gotten to the best part. On the last day, someone brought over 3 kitties for people to adopt. Judging by the fact that someone did the same thing with puppies on Saturday,* this seemed normal. But I am a cat person, and when someone brought over the cutest, chubbiest kitty with the most forlorn eyes I've seen on any living creature, well, long story short, it's currently napping in my room. And now, for pictures (more on my facebook.)

Above: my face, since I saw that kitty. Well, that, and my "Aaaaawwww" face.

Above: Say hello to the world, Jazz Danger Root Beer Martin (fine, he's already 2 months old)


"Danger? Danger's my middle name."

P.S. Thank you SO MUCH Mom and Dad!!!

*A kid in my class adopted 2, totally out of the blue. If you were wondering, their names are Pepsi and King Julian, and they've already started fighting.

P.S.S. Is this after-blog space getting overcrowded or what? Quote of the Post was here first!

1 comment:

Sofia said... is sooo cute!!!!!!! I saw some of the photos on facebook, and it was super adorable! Congratulations!