Thursday, August 7, 2008

If I had a Nickel...

...for every freakin' time someone told me how much I was going to enjoy Africa, I would play golf with Bill Gates every Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately, this is not the case. After the best month of my entire life, we have taken our leave and flew to Africa on wednesday morning, August 6th. It's hard to believe that was just yesterday. We landed today, technically, after 20 hours of being in the airport or on a plane, and were assissted by some helpers the Adamson's had hired because of the 27 bags we had in total.
As we were walking out (6 a.m. Senegal time), there were about 30 guys waiting outside the airport to "help" with baggage. Basically a big "bleed the white men of their money" game. I was never too good at that one. I was carrying my backpack, my manpurse, and the carry-on with the Wii and many accessories in it, so basically all my most valuable items on earth were right there in my hands. So you could probably imagine that I was a little touchy when anyone came anywhere near me. But then it got really fun. I was taking up the rear for some reason unbeknownst to me, and this was about when, during the 5 minute walk to the cars, that some dude came up behind me and decided he was going to "help" with my rolling carry-on. And you'd better believe I was going to strike that man downbefore I gave him possession of one of the few things thatkept my sanity in Quebec, and as I'm pretty sure will here. After a couple minutes of trying to reply his mumbled french and incredibly broken english with my terrible french, and dad saying "no" once to him at one single point in time, the cars pulled up and we started to put our stuff in. Thanks so much for all the help, mom and dad.
Then, at 6:30 (which was 2:30 Boston time), everyone decided it was high freakin' time for some tea and biscuits. It's not like I've been hauling crap around all day, and I sure as Seth Rogen don't want to go crash at our apartment, or that I haven't slept for 24 hours. No, really, let's go have some breakfast!!!
So, finally, 3 meals, 3 power outages, 2 naps, several trips to the Adamson's, and a few e-mails later, here I am at the laptop, telling you about my first day here. Oh, and its really really hot and humid. Let's just hope we can find a voltage adapter so I can plug the Wii in and spend some quality sanity time with my favorite little white box.

-Dazed and Confused

"First impressions are often entirely...wrong"
-Lemony Snicket

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