Monday, February 4, 2008

Red Bull Grace Pool Smash Cloverfield Super Ipod Monster Bowl Crashed Ice- in 3 Days!

So maybe I didn't do all those things in 3 days. But also maybe thats more than one thing and I "haven't found the time" to write about any of them over the 3 to 4 weeks I've done them. So, to sum up in but several sentences; *deep breath* "Smash bros. came out in Japan, leaks are all over the 'net. I went to Red Bull Crashed Ice, it was kinda cool. Concert after was awesome. I got an Ipod! Thank you Debra Copeland! I SAW CLOVERFIELD! Clovie was, yes, a beautiful and majestic creature. See it yesterday or else.
So I've lived in Canada for about 5 months now, and it amazes me how much I'm still suprised by little things that are hardly noticeable but still so canadian they bleed maple syrup. Simple things like the fact that all the mounties (citizens) up here call whoopie pies Joe Louies. Joe Louie sounds like a drunk fat italian you meet at a ball game who smells like tobacco. Or how gumdrops= JubJub's. OR my personal favorite; how they call tjhe DS's touch screen a tactile screen. I'm not trying to be a snobbish American pig-dog tourist, I;m just saying it still throws me off. I mean, what would the first Nintendo DS ad campaign look like? This??

I'm sorry, T'would be silly.
On an ending note, Bonhomme de Carnival is the creepiest creature I've ever had the misfortune of seeing. Just thinking of it gives me the hibbliy jibblies.


This post is in memoriam of Sparky the dog, who's tiny, adorable, hyper spirit has ascended into doggie heaven. May she rest in peace.

"Bark! Bark!" *chases tail*

1 comment:

Norm said...

It was great reading your canadian observations, though I've never heard of a tactile screen, maybe its just a québec thing. who knows. And yes, bonhomme is just downright creepy.