Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Snow Day! Wii!

Ello everyone!
What a weekend-6 days! The snow as comin down hard on monday, creating all the awful road conditions a driver could ask for. An unexpected snow day was nice, its like mother nature is helping me procrastinate on my career day project! In other news, today is National Day of the Ninja!!! Celebrate by watching askaninja, wearing ninja gear, and using shurikens all day! Don't hit Butters in the eye! I've decided to give everyone my Wii number, so that the day Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out, I''ll be able to play with all y'alls. It's right down there *points down*. And finally, I'm going to start putting one (or more) quotes at the bottom of the page- pretty much every day, even if I have nothing else interesting to say. I do love quotes, after all.

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for him, and there's nothing that he wouldn't do for me, so we spend our lives doing nothing for eachother." -Bing Crosby


Will's Wii Number: 1284 2259 7094 9049

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