To imagine that this is a normal sight to people with beach houses was and is beyond my comprehension.
I am now speechless in a very different way, over a very different type of picture.

He's been working on them for a while now, and I've of course been asking for some pictures of the finished product. He and they exceeded my expectations about as far as is legal to exceed them.
And it's not just the poses anyone could think about. There are 35 pictures in the album, showing Master Chief not just posing like a boss, but playing ping-pong,


and my personal favorite, wearing a sombrero and twirling a mustache that tragically couldn't exist.

Knowing that my little brother is spending his time doing this evokes such pride that my heart cliche-dly swells up. It's like when Anna started playing Pokemon Yellow. I miss my family, I think, a lot more than I'm conscious of. I miss you, Sam. Love you dude.
"Why shouldn't I look at the sun?"