Here are some things I've done since the beginning of the school year:
Gone on an RTC bus approximately 400 different times
Doubled my french language comprehension
Gone to 500 classes in Quebec High
Worn 5 different "Tucs"
Still haven't had a single KinderSuprise
Gone home twice
Bought 7 posters
Gotten Guitar Hero 3 for Wii
Beaten Guitar Hero 3 for Wii on Expert
Pushed back my countdown until Super Smash Bros Brawl come out- 3 times
Spray Painted a shirt (see below)
Finally obtained an Ipod Classic
Doubled my Itunes Library
Multiplied the amount of gigs in video on Itunes by 5
Developed an obsession with Scrubs
Obtained a cell phone
Learned to play Pirates of the Carribean on Caleb's Guitar
Drinken about 120 cans of Root Beer
Tried playing in a marching band
Gone to the Winter Carnivale
Ran away from the Bonhomme des Carnivale
Visited Montmorency Falls twice
Completed 10 french dictees 3 times each
And finally...
I've created a blog
Now about that shirt...
Photos awesomely taken by Sam Martin
"I know nothing about St. Valentine, I can only assume he's the patron Saint of overpriced greeting cards."